In the spirit of the season, I'd like to introduce you to the Ginger Witch. Last year around this time I was peeling and slicing ginger in bulk to freeze (it's easy to put in tea like that), and noticed something odd about the first piece in my hand!
I can almost hear her cackling...
Hope your holiday is adequately spooky and lots o' fun!
It's a little creepy with the porch light shining from behind and glowing through his limbs, eh?
The cat meowed until I came outside a while back, and there I saw a rather large praying mantis on the screen at face level with the cat. I thanked her with a rub and ran for the camera, and then watched the mantis walk right off the screen onto the glass! It's pretty amazing that it could hold on so easily. I'm glad to see another mantis around... this is the third one I've seen (all very adult-size) since 2 weeks after they hatched, when they all became either good at hiding or dinner (for each other, not dinner for me!). Speaking of Grumpy Cat, why do cats tend to bring me live toads and bugs?? I thought they were supposed to enjoy showing off their dead mice instead.