

Join me here on Leaves In My Hair for an adventure of gardening discovery.

This blog is so named because every time I would come in from the garden, my husband would have me hold still so that he could pick all the leaves out of my hair.  The deeper I got into the gardening, the more that I forgot my surroundings and focused on nurturing the plants and soil in a zen-like state, the more leaves would be found.  So to me, finding leaves in my hair represents losing myself to the joy of nature and gardening. Read more about this here.

Over the past few years I have dabbled in growing food in far-less-than-ideal conditions, but there is finally enough space and sunlight to garden to the extreme. 

I am in California, in zone 9b, which has a fairly long growing season.  We live on 1/4th of an acre, and about half has potential for gardening.  I have read that 1/8th of an acre is enough to fully sustain a vegan if done properly, so my passionate goal is to eventually cover half of our fruit, vegetable, and herb needs whilst remaining omnivores. 

We already have a few fruit trees, and there is a solarium which can be used as an indoor greenhouse.  It'll be fun to see exactly how much edible plant growth can be squeezed out of the space! 

Keep growing,
- Kendra


In 2014, I am leaving the workforce to rehabilitate my health and take care of my family, home, and garden.  I'll be trying my hand at keeping our lifestyle comfortable, partially through growing as much of our own food as possible to keep costs down.

After working in the field of science for 11 years, I am not going to be able to stop the scientist within.  I am always experimenting, keeping records, and fine-tuning the mundane things in life, and gardening will be a perfect outlet for that energy.

A few people have asked what I will do, what I will be.  Housewife just doesn't have that special ring to it, and doesn't describe my ambitions very well.  What about gardener, chef, homemaker, handywoman, financial planner, bellydancer, barber, laundress, manager of family happiness, fledgeling athlete, brewmistress, healer, budding Etsy maven, zen master?

Maybe no label is needed.

Me and my partner in life, headed down the path to something new.

I'm sure I'll discover a lot on this journey, and I'd like to share it here with you.  So stop by, settle down with a cup of tea, say hello, and share something.


If you enjoy your time here and don't want to miss out on the next post, please feel free to subscribe.

If you are interested in joining my quest to become a domestic goddess, head on over to the other blog, Leaves In My Cup.  

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