Friday, July 30, 2010

Purple Pupa

I found this yesterday after having accidentally knocked it loose with the hose from its webbed hiding spot in a corner against the house.  It is really purple, the exact same dusty-reddish-purple color that a wine grape gets right before it is fully ripe.  I have looked at pages and pages of pupa photos online, but can't figure out what it is!  There are red ones, green ones, black ones, brown ones, even some with bright blue spots... but no purple?  There is a solution to this, and the solution is putting it in a mason jar (with air flow, of course), to see what it turns into.  My guess is a moth or giant beetle... it looks very much like moth pupae online, but also very much like the pupae that the gecko's mealworms morph into (except twice as large, and PURPLE).

It is an inch long, and I propped it up on the curve of a teacup plate so that you could see the underside.

A side view.

Here you can see the pores on each of the "tail" segments.

Can anyone identify this before it hatches?  I am totally curious.

1 comment:

yellowdoggrl said...

Did you ever get any kind of i.d. on this? Because I found one in our driveway this morning after a big storm and we've got it covered with leaves on a bed of dirt to see what happens.