Monday, July 19, 2010

Feeding the cat

I have been slowly trying to win Grumpy Cat's affections with tuna over the past month.  It is working!  He approached me of its own free will this morning, and let me pet him for almost 5 seconds, so he's been rewarded with tuna. Alternatively, I have become predictable and have been rewarded with minor petting privileges for bringing the tuna. BWAHAHAHAHA!

Grumpy Cat prefers Sea Chicken

It was pretty cute... I left the door open as I went to get the tuna, and when I turned around he was patiently waiting inside the house. When I noticed, he went "OH #@%$!" and became airborne in a mad dash outside to patiently wait.  Initially Grumpy Cat hadn't come over for tuna this morning, he'd come over to stare obsessively at the bird feeder. I didn't think about the bird feeder being also doubling a cat feeder... hmmm. After a full belly, he's not so interested in birds anymore though.  Later we napped under the cool shady wisteria-covered porch together (well, within 3 feet of each other)... it was pretty nice, and I ended up with leaves in my hair yet again.  :)

Full belly = Less-Grumpy Cat

Soon... soon I will have a feline minion!  Maybe he'll help me keep tabs on Scrub Jay.

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