Monday, September 13, 2010

All A-Twitter

A few people have heartily suggested that I start a Twitter account, and link it to the blog.  Since I can't bear to see my friends and readers disappointed in my lack of technological advancement, I have given in, and I have given it a predictable yet appropriate name.

Here it is:

A random bonzai photo... just because.

I do need to expand a bit, make new blogging friends (garden-related and otherwise), have more interaction in the blogosphere... perhaps Twitter can help with that.  My greatest motivation to get posts out on time is knowing that there are a few of you out there who are looking forward to more of my gardeny blathering.  :)

Haha, I actually said blogosphere.  Dork!

Do you have a Twitter, blog, Etsy store, comic, etc?  Advertise here, and I will definitely check it out. 

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