Monday, August 2, 2010


First things first, a video:
This slug thought he could make improvements to our garden with his voracious appetite.  I found him while I was moving the smallest maple pot, and boy was he a surprise!  Most have been 1-1.5 inches long, and I have never seen a slug so big unless it was a banana slug in Santa Cruz... jeez, I couldn't help but think it was sentient.  This slug was possibly the original inspiration for this YouTube video.  I couldn't handle the thought of squishing the 4-inch beast, so I tossed him over the fence into more fertile grounds.  So long, Monster Slug, I hope you find whatever you're looking for in someone else's garden. 

I was trying to take a photo of him next to the measurements on the trowel for proof, but he was moving so fast that all the pictures were blurry... a video is more interesting anyway.

 Monster Slug is too cool for photography crispness!

It's a shame that I had to get rid of it... it's just the kind of crazy animal I would have kept as a pet if we weren't mortal enemies.  Spots like that are too beautiful to ignore.

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